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Shennoah Miller Enterprises: Health, Wealth, & Happiness Coaching.

It's not a vacation, it's a LIFESTYLE

Are you ready to say goodbye to the queen of excuses and transform into the queen of solutions? If you're ready to turn your dream life into a reality, it's time to do the work and get GRITty!! 

Enroll in my GRIT (Grind. Rebuild. Inspire. Trust) coaching program and equip yourself with the tools you need to level up and reach your full potential. Quit feeling defeated and afraid. It's time to get motivated and inspired to achieve unprecedented levels of health, wealth, and happiness.

Corporate Events Check Out Link Below!

Who should join? Anyone that is ready to rebuild their life after a divorce, job loss or another traumatic event. If you are stuck in a pattern of self-sabotaging, self-defeating behaviors and you're ready to replace them with confidence-building behaviors and self-esteem boosters this is where you need to be!



Private Facebook group provides an online community to help encourage and support you on your journey. Here you'll find a safe space and caring environment to connect with others that have shared similar experiences and similar struggles. Together we can help each other heal, grow, and thrive. 

Meetings are virtual and include VIP access to in person events and retreats. 

The commitment:  3, 6, and 12 month programs available. No matter the time frame you need to be committed to doing the work and turning your pain into power. You must be ready to say goodbye to the queen of excuses and transform into the queen of solutions.

  • Discovery Meeting with Shennoah

  • Individualized Strategy Document

  • Monthly Accountability Calls

  • Customized Content

  • Access to Industry Experts

  • Goal Tracking Tools


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Enjoy a 20-minute complimentary call with Shennoah!


Ashley Treese COO Senior VP of SMT Enterprises

"This program lives up to its name. Shennoah is not kidding when she says, "It's not pretty, it's GRITty." It's exactly the push I needed to kick me into gear. Shennoah's passion and motivation kept me going when I wanted to quit. Her holistic approach helped me thrive in all areas of my life. I improved my health and wellness, I'm making more money than ever, and I've found what truly makes me happy. If you are ready to start making your dreams a reality you need to work with this chick!  This program is for anyone who is ready to quit making excuses and start finding solutions!" 


Candice Livella Financial Solutions Team Leader Chase Bank. 

"Shennoah's coaching style was exactly what I needed to get out of a rut and start maximizing my potential. Unhealthy personal and work relationships have been holding me back for years. Shennoah taught me how to regain control of my life and my happiness. Her GRIT coaching program is the epitome of tough love. Shennoah gave me the guidance and inspiration I needed to leave a job that wasn't fulfilling me and pursue my passion. Getting myself out of that negative environment improved my mental health and gave me more time to focus on my fitness goals. I highly recommend this program to anyone who is ready to remove toxic people from their lives and "level up" in all areas!  #healthwealthhappiness  

Zack Smith

"I deeply value the time we've spent together and the progress you've helped me make in my life"

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